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                     Compare Fixed deposits offered by various banks in Sri Lanka

Short term ,Long term ,Special deposit schemes. select the best

You can compare different fixed deposits offered by different banks and make a wise decision.

Fixed deposits are the safest form of investment. They offer you a fixed interest rate, which is guaranteed by the bank. You have to pay tax on this income whenever you withdraw it from your account. Moreover, they also offer you high liquidity, which means that they can be used immediately to meet your requirements without having to wait for several days or weeks before it matures.

There are many different types of fixed deposits available in Sri Lanka, and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will discuss some of the most popular types of fixed deposits that are available in Sri Lanka today:

What we do? We do compare the current fixed deposit rates of various banks of Sri Lanka. Whether it's short term (Deposit period less than one year), long term (deposit period from 1 year to five years) and specialized premium deposit schemes with higher interest rates, Gives an idea where to invest for the best return for your investment today.
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